Friday, May 11, 2007


Choctaw is doing very well. His true colors (and there are many) are beginning to evolve. He eats like a horse and is very picky. He is a huge baby and when he runs around the apartment, he generates the sound of a herd of elephants. Late at nights, he gets an uncontrolable burst of energy and becomes a terror. Salem tolerates him and Choctaw knows his limits around Salem. However, he is not fond of HP and when HP wants to play Choctaw gets too rough with him. HP is the runt and I worry. I mean HP can be a very bad kitty but when he jumps & climbs.. he generates a lot less damage than Choctaw. Choctaw is a bull in a china cabinet !! He needs training for sure.
Interesting to witness the various personalities in the kitties. Salem is the wisest, the Alpha and King of the Lair and .... he is a very very good kitty ..... HP loves me so much, he requires lots of love and when he does not think that he is getting enough, he demands it. This is how HP demands.... when he wants me to hold him and I have stood up to walk away... he will vertical jump & distance leap from the floor and land directly onto my shoulder. Once landed he will perch on my shoulder like a bird and there he stays as I walk around. When I remove him off my shoulder,,,, he will keep repeating the process until he gets bored with it. Choctaw is a sweet boy but he also has a dark side. Sometimes he bites and scratches and he can be very aggressive. He needs more human contact.
Nyla (my son's little cat) seems to remain only connected to Salem... She grooms and sleeps next to him. The other boys, she smacks, bites and hisses at sometimes. She is tiny lil girl but full of fire. She is a Bitch Kitty. She walks around with her back humped up all the time with a fuzzed up tail. If she does not want you to touch her which is most of the time, she bites, scratches and hisses.... she will attack. I believe Choctaw is learning too much with observing her behavior. Only time that I can pick her up is when she wants me to carry her down to my apartment to visit Salem then she pours on the charm. She also has a strange habit of sucking and biting on your ear when you are sleeping.
Salem is purrfect and the rest, well they are a challenge & a work in progress.


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