If it ain't one thing ,,, it's two
Yesterday started out to be such a beautiful day... The weather was perfect so Shannon & Tina & I took Sierra and Scooter to the beach at George Washington's Birthplace to walk along the river and hunt for Shark's Teeth. We found some nice size ones... Sierra found 5 all by herself. We had to wade across a small stream ... followed some racoon tracks and just had a very nice day with the kids out in nature. Shark teeth hunting is a family traditions that I started back when I was a teen ager and I passed it down to my kids and they to my Grandkids. I hope this tradition will continue on. My First love, HS Sweetheart & I used to go every Saturday morning. It was a ritual for us. After leaving the Beach... we went out to Dominick's grave site to put out new decorations.
After arriving back here... we decided to fix a quick dinner. Tina asked Shannon if he would make some of his homemade onion rings & I suggested Steak Subs to go with them. Soooo,,, I was in my bedroom... watching TV... door closed and they were preparing the Onion Rings when all of a sudden.... I heard these horrible screams and all this cussing..... then MOM>>>> HELP US !!! Shannon was standing there with all his clothes off except his boxers...his clothes were covered in oil on the floor... next I see Tina lying in the floor screaming... glass & cooking oil covered the floor... Seems like a glass pyrex bowl that they had dumped hot grease into exploded on them. Shannon was standing in a pool of oil... He said Mom, I'm okay.... get to Tina !!!! I walked across the hot oil and glass to Tina... I managed to get then to the bathroom...to get a cool towel to put on her legs.... But I noticed that she was shaking badly. Shannon managed to get to the phone and called 911. The Rescue Squad, Fire Department & Police were here within 5 minutes. They took Tina in the Squad to the Hospital..... Shannon & I followed in his car. Shannon said he was Okay,,, but he had a huge burn on each of the back of his legs. He said on the way that it hurt like Hell but he was so upset about Tina.
We got out of the hospital around 2:30AM. Tina burnt her foot badly and she is on crutches. Shannon has both of his legs in bandages. They are both in pain but they will be fine. It could have been so much worse... we were very very lucky !!!! Shannon ... Said to me on the way home.. MOM, how did you manage to walk in that hot oil and glass to get to us. I said I don't know & I don't even remember.. I just did. We laughed because no one had eaten a thing all day,, Shannon said,, soon as we get to the apartment... I'm going to attack them Fking Onion Rings.. as much trouble as I had with them.. Tina said I want to get into them too !!!!!!
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