Friday, May 30, 2008

Good Morning

Finally captured a photo of all 3 boys looking in the same direction !!!!!! They are learning to stop and pay attention when I have the camera out. I love taking photos of them. Each one has their own photo album to fill up. Salem has 3 albums... all filled. I wonder if they are hanging by the window all the time trying to find an escape route.
Weather here has been purrfect the past few days. No AC on and windows open. Not sure what I shall venture into today. I do need to trek over to Food Lion to purchase more kitty food. I keep a stock pile of food for the boys. They are eating Purina Kitten Chow and Science Diet and Fancy Feast can food.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Morning from Salem's Lair

Yesterday evening I went to a Tee Ball game to watch Robert (Scooter) play. I have not been able to attend many of his games with my work schedule. He was cute !!! I will be watching the grandkids this summer when school gets out. That is going to rock my world cause they can really be loud & misbehaving at times. They get bored here with me so they test my nerves !! I don't really do much or go anywhere anymore. Work & going to yard sales with Y are the only times that I venture out. I do walk over to Food Lion for cat food once a week.

I have been saving cans for the cat shelter .. Wendy's Feline Friends... I do have plenty to contribute as most know. I try to do whatever I can to help out. Shannon helps unload kitty litter once a month for her. She is a wonderful lady that is doing a wonderful thing for the kitties. She finds homes for many cats & kittens. I call her home the Kitty Hilton. The ones that do not get adopted stay with her.

I found 4 tiny kittens near my steps last week. I feed all the cats that live in the colony in the woods behind the apartment building. The moma cat has been the resident mouser here for about 5 years. She is part Maine Coon and loves to hunt.. her babies do as well.

So to sum it up Cats are my life & I love it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Boys

Left 2 Right... Samhain, Eragon, Hocus Pocus....Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Ragamuffin... What A TRIO
Worked this weekend & it was retail hell !!! I did manage to get to the yard sales with Y from 7AM to 9:15... then go to work. Spent too much money but I found nice stuff. Don't know why I needed more electric heaters but I did. Have a total of 5 now. We could have a cold winter !!!! Bought another cat carrier... I need big ones for these 3 hunks of burning love. Total of 4 now. I am complusive and if I find a good deal, I can't resist. Oh., I collect cat statues and I found more. Honestly, I collect lots of stuff now.... too much !!
My boys always cut up and protest when I have to leave for work. It is always a ritual with them and naturally I get bit in the ankle as I try to sneak outta here from Eragon the Terrible. Oh he is somewhat kinder to me. Hocus Pocus follows me around like a puppy with his sad green eyes and wants me to hold him... he is 9 months old and weighs over 10 lbs. Samhain...Well, he still hates me... he is a food whore..he jumps up on the washing machine for another course of food.. I have to feed the boys in different areas. I keep telling these guys that I must work to feed their fat asses, buy 60 lbs of kitty litter a week and continue to pay the vet bills that they make because I am so damn paranoid now... they sneeze.. they see the Vet. Not to forget flea meds. I have used Frontline, Advantage and Biospot and still a flea or two manages to survive. None of this stuff is doing the job, in my opinion and it cost plenty !!! The soil around here is very sandy.. cause I live near the beach & river.. they never never go outside.. so I guess the damn pesky lil bastard fleas ride in on me ??? Anyway.... they own me.. I wouldn't have it any other way.... I miss my Salem and I wish I could still hold him....I love my boys and they are my life.
Speaking of Samhain... the other night he managed to venture into my bed.. Well, I had the covers over my head.. I looked to see which of my boys wanted to sleep with me... Samhain took one slight look at me... you'd have thought Linda Blair in the Exorcist was in there cause he could not wait to flee the entire room. Goddess, I must have looked horrible !!!!!! Well, I do not allow mirrors in here... So I don't know !!!
That is all !!!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Beautiful Morning

Samhain is doing much better. He is getting used to me, Eragon and Hocus Pocus. He is beginning to get into things & making e this his home. we found out that Samhain has been declawed.... the shelter never mentioned this. Eragon & Hocus pocus ... give him his space because of his loud roar and his size.
Y and I went to the yard sales as we do on every saturday morn. I look so forward to spending time with Y. We found a few nice things not that I really needed them but could not resist.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I had to work this weekend but it wasn't too bad actually. Shannon & Tina took me & her Mom out to dinner on Thursday night.. had to do it that night because of my work schedule. Next we stopped by Petsmart & Walmart. We got caught in a severe storm and spent more time out than we wanted to but it was a very good evening & night out. Jessica & Sierra picked me up from work on Sunday at 6 PM. We celebrated her Birthday which was Saturday & Mother's Day. We stopped by to visit with my Mother. It was a very good evening.

We had a NorEaster here this weekend (Sunday, mostly). The waves from the river were way up and pounding the streets.

I purchased some build a wall photo frames and I am building my Wall of Salem over my wall behind the TV. I have so many photos of him and each one is so special & holds so many memories. Goddess, I miss him sooo much !!! I know she knows that she is craddling the most special and best kitty in the universe in her arms & kissing his lil black nose. I miss that !!!!

Hocus Pocus and Eragon both sleep with me some at nights. They are both fairly devoted to me and spoiled beyond rotten. My living room is full of toys & baskets and scratching post and puffs for them. Samhain... well, he is very much staying to himself.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Ain't one thing, It's two

Took Samhain to the Vet's on Friday... He is sneezing once in a while and rubbed a sore on his nose from sitting in the window & rubbing his nose against the screen. Vet said... he is healthy and caught up on his shots ... he knows because he has been his patient since at the shelter. He says to me that he is very very sad about Salem & he knew that he could not survive much longer after our last visit but did not have the heart to tell me... and he knew I already knew anyway. He said Samhain is lucky that I have him and he will love me.

Being paranoid as I am... I checked all of the health records that I was given with Samhain and they all look good and up to date. Next Shannon & I attack the internet with looking up Feline Illnesses. We find a couple to check out. I call back the Vet's office.. they knew exactly who I am by my voice.. Goddess, I hate that. The vet was not there so I talked to the tech. She said that if Samhain had any illness.. he would have caught it and that I need to stop looking on the internet and believing everything I read. Yet.. I noticed that the vet never checked Samhain for a fever and actually spent more time talking to me. I love this vet yet I have my concerns. He told me once that I need to trust him !!!

Saturday Hocus Pocus developed signs of illness. He was shaking & shivering. We rushed him to an animal hospital... of course all the Vet's are 35-40 miles from here and to find one open on weekends is almost impossible.. so we had to use an emergency hospital. They did all kinds of blood tests,,, IVs and fever reducing treament... he had a very high fever and chills and a runny nose. Sent us home with amoxicillan. Virus ???

Now I am giving Hocus Pocus medicine and he is better and watching Eragon and hoping that Eragon does not get ill. Eragon & Hocus Pocus have never been outside since they were 4 weeks & 6 weeks old. Only outside contact that they have is by sitting in the windows. Samhain was in side but allowed in the outside pen at the shelter yet he was checked out by a Vet and had a clean bill of health. My Vet knows that I have other cats so if Samhain was ill he should have told me but maybe not !!!

My friend in Texas.. she called me and was telling me that her cats have been to the vets & ill. Same thing as I have been dealing with. She uses an Eastern Medicine Vet. Her vet called it Wind Invasion .

I don't know and I hate to keep calling my vet but I will.