Left 2 Right... Samhain, Eragon, Hocus Pocus....Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Ragamuffin... What A TRIO
Worked this weekend & it was retail hell !!! I did manage to get to the yard sales with Y from 7AM to 9:15... then go to work. Spent too much money but I found nice stuff. Don't know why I needed more electric heaters but I did. Have a total of 5 now. We could have a cold winter !!!! Bought another cat carrier... I need big ones for these 3 hunks of burning love. Total of 4 now. I am complusive and if I find a good deal, I can't resist. Oh., I collect cat statues and I found more. Honestly, I collect lots of stuff now.... too much !!
My boys always cut up and protest when I have to leave for work. It is always a ritual with them and naturally I get bit in the ankle as I try to sneak outta here from Eragon the Terrible. Oh he is somewhat kinder to me. Hocus Pocus follows me around like a puppy with his sad green eyes and wants me to hold him... he is 9 months old and weighs over 10 lbs. Samhain...Well, he still hates me... he is a food whore..he jumps up on the washing machine for another course of food.. I have to feed the boys in different areas. I keep telling these guys that I must work to feed their fat asses, buy 60 lbs of kitty litter a week and continue to pay the vet bills that they make because I am so damn paranoid now... they sneeze.. they see the Vet. Not to forget flea meds. I have used Frontline, Advantage and Biospot and still a flea or two manages to survive. None of this stuff is doing the job, in my opinion and it cost plenty !!! The soil around here is very sandy.. cause I live near the beach & river.. they never never go outside.. so I guess the damn pesky lil bastard fleas ride in on me ??? Anyway.... they own me.. I wouldn't have it any other way.... I miss my Salem and I wish I could still hold him....I love my boys and they are my life.
Speaking of Samhain... the other night he managed to venture into my bed.. Well, I had the covers over my head.. I looked to see which of my boys wanted to sleep with me... Samhain took one slight look at me... you'd have thought Linda Blair in the Exorcist was in there cause he could not wait to flee the entire room. Goddess, I must have looked horrible !!!!!! Well, I do not allow mirrors in here... So I don't know !!!
That is all !!!!!!!