Been Awhile
Time flies --- Robert (Scooter) is 6 years old and going to 1st grade this year. He is playing pee wee football this fall. He is a big muscled guy so he is the center. Sierra will be in the 6th grade this year. She is now 11 years old. She does very well in school. She is so pretty now !!! Kaiya is now 4 months old. She is so very very cute and so spoiled. She has the most beautiful Azure eyes like her Daddy.
Me, I have been busy. I am baby sitting some, working at an antique shop some and hanging out with my friends. Still yard saling with Y every Saturday. Been camping with the family some. My porch and deck is all finished and I am loving it. My kitties are all doing well and happy. I went crabbing on my friend Jan's boat dock... it was fun.. LOL.... I have not sat on a pier with strings dangling and chicken neck tied on since I was about 16 years old. We didn't catch enough to cook but it was fun just the same. I love being on and around the water..tis my element.
My landlady gifted me the most descriptive sign of me... "If youre not barefoot, you are overdressed"... LOL.. Jenny gifted me this sign also that reads... "Caution..Scary Creatures inside"... LOL !! They were gifts for my new porch.
Guess, I am finally settling back in here and enjoying life as much as possible. My friends both old and new are finally accepting me for who I am and my beliefs. It feels good to be myself again. I think last year when I was so sick and being in the hospital made me a much stronger person and I appreciate so much more. I still miss Salem so much and my heart will always hold him close to me.
My kitties keep me so happy. Stephen is still calling every night but you know.. we will never have a permanent relationship not now.. I really don't want to share my life with him.. I will never be barked orders at nor be controlled. I am so used to being alone with my kitties and having my friends and that is what makes me happy.
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