My cold is much better. Yesterday. I spent a few hours at the river metal detecting. Didn't really find much but still it was good day with just being on the sand. As usual I managed to get my shoes, socks and bottom of my sweats wet... I just can't help but slip into the water, it draws me into it. I did find one thing unusual.. a belt buckle of a hand with the middle finger sticking up... It that a sign ??? LOL !!! I took it as a message for me. Somehow, I broke the middle finger off when I dug it out of the sand with my scoop. I may venture back out today and see what else is buried beneath the grains of sand.
I really don't mind taking a few moments to talk with people on the beach.... some times a person will approach me and ask a few questions.. I don't mind but I hate when someone starts a conversation as this old man did.. He starts off with... You won't find anything down here.. I metal detect this beach alot, atleast I used to until I gave up here and found a new spot. I pretty much cleaned it up. I came back with.. Yeah, I used to hunt here every single day here for years and you know I found some very very nice gold rings and old coins and this beach has been good to me. However, just a few moments ago.. I found some quarters that were very deep so even if others as you say have hunted the beach out... you know they missed quarters that have been here for a long time and that tells me that they could also have missed some rings. Besides the beach changes every day with the winds and tides and sand washes in and sand washes out.
Many males around this area believe that Metal Detecting is a hobby reserved for just the guys. So I get many many comments from them.. I know that many do not believe that I can handle the equipment. Actually, I do not do too well relic hunting in the dirt and woods... It is much more difficult and harder work but around the water and on the sand.. I do just find.. It is my Element. I grew up along this river and I was know it like the back of my hand. My Grand Dad and Uncle were Watermen.
The history of this town is amazing. Back in the early 1900s... there was a Ferry Boat the St. John that used to bring in the elite from Washington, DC. There was a boardwalk here (still is) and a huge old Hotel that was more of a social club..... Bath houses over the water and piers and horse drawn carriages.. it was a very popular area along the river and it was crowded. Back way before then... many historic people used to visit here as a summer spot. George Washington & his relatives and The Thomas Jefferson family stayed here. In the 50s - 60s and somewhat before.... there were gambling casinos... some big ones along the boardwalk & over the river...this place boomed and it was called Little Atlantic City & it was connected to AC with airplanes that would bring crowds between the casinos. This place rocked !!!! There are still remains of where the casinos were once. The Potomac River belongs to the state of Maryland and once you enter the water... you are in Maryland.. Maryland Laws are in effect. Back then Gambling & Slots were allowed in Maryland. In the early 60's the Casinos were burnt down by someone... during the burning .. Some of the Southern Baptist.... were on the boardwalk.. praying that they burn to the ground !!!! This place had become in some's view the most corrupt and sinful place in the Universe. Still this place rocked !!!!!!! Well, the casinos were gone and never to return... Maryland changed it views on gambling.. not allowed anymore and this town began its downfall.
Oh well enuff rampling.. I know this area well & I also know that there are still things to be unearthed. As the famous Treasurer Hunter Mel Fisher used to say before venturing out on a Quest.... Today's the Day !!!!!
Oh Oh Oh.... My Landlady was telling me that the building that my apartment is located in.. used to be a Speak Easy... My Son's apartment used to be the top area of a stage. I need to get my recorder out and do the EVP test. Maybe on Samhain night.
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