Mucho Better
I am getting stronger and much better. Still have some occasional pain in my left side near my ribs but only when I stand for hour after hour. Now... what is the hot flashes and night sweats. I had these years & years ago and all ran its course. Doctor said.. she had hoped that this would not happen again & was surprised that it was. She said she did not want to put me on meds and hoped that is was just a short cycle. She said for me to try to tough it out & if I couldn't to call her and I am very healthy now and she wants no risks.
I am back at work. Was not too bad !! We have a new owner working his way in. Don't know how this is going to play out because he is the bf of a co-worker. There are only 5 of us and 3 are bosses. Terry & I just do our job.. take the orders and wait to see what happens. I do know the manager that hired me is not liking taking orders when she considers the others beneath her. Drama & politics on the way. He is already talking of cuting hours & that means me. As it stands & has... I only work 10 one week & 22 the next... I am the newest and only part time there so I may get the axe. Wages go up... hours come down.
One of my witchy friends found me !!!! I am sooo happy and excited as I had not heard from her in many many moons. I miss her so much but did not know how to get in touch with her after all the years. I joined a new online group and I want my magick back... I have missed that in my life.
I believe I am making a comeback. I have been so withdrawn and out of everything. Working has help me some with talking to people and getting out of the apartment. For years,I was only leaving my apartment to go buy cat food... go to the vets and with Y to the yard sales. I very much lost my communication skills and my health and appearence went to hell. I just did not care about me at all. The tumor would have killed me soon & at that time I was going to let it. Talking with my doctor was a wake up call for sure. I was so stupid !!!
Eragon, Hocus Pocus and Samhain are great company for me but I still miss my Salem so much and it still hurts. I know he sees this and does not like seeing me so sad. Only Time !!!! Samhain is starting to like me & not just use me for food. He actually curled up beside me & purred.
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