Wednesday, June 25, 2008

And I am STILL Waiting

I am now turning into the Subborn Bitch that I can sure be & it is suiting me soooo well !!! I have been sitting by this Fking phone for 3 days now and waiting for the damn call from the Doctor's office so I can plan the rest of my life. Friday during my appointment everything was rush.. rush...rush to get this damn thing outta me and if I had plans tooooo bad they had to be cancelled. So I leave outta of there scared to death and with the final words... we will call you with the dates for tests & the operation. WELLL>>>>>>> I SIT & I WAIT and I get more stubborn & angry by the second. If I am priority 2 out of 10... I feel sorry for number 3 and the rest !!!

This thing does not hurt me now... so I am getting stubborn enough to say FK IT !!! What the Fk does HUGE mean on a size comparison chart, anyway ???

SOOOOO I STILL know nothing !!!!! Maybe I should just march the 80 miles to the Doctors.. demand my records... cat scan... and all that shit and walk out !! NOOOO, it was impossible for them to even think about waiting a week or 10 days for Jessica's vacation and now look. I hate going to Doctor's anyway !!!! Infact, now I may hate Doctor's.

And maybe the longer I wait... the longer I Live !!! You know I don't even give a rat's Ass about this operation !! And if I have to call them.. as I sit biting my tongue.. I will surely have to find another Doctor because I will be so damn hateful over this waiting just to know a fking date !! How long can it take to call the lab and request the damn PreOP test. Maybe, the Doctor said.. get that crazy bitch outta here.. tell her we will call her & maybe she will get tired of waiting and go some place else. How many doctors will my insurance pay anyway !!


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