Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bast Statues

Busy here !!! Not complaining at all.... I like it. Sorta long story.... A friend of mine (Getie) that owns a gift shop,,,, I asked her months ago to look for Egyptian Art for me when she goes to Estate Auctions,,, She goes to New York . I told her that I am looking for Bast or Bastet Statues. Last weekend,,, I was watching a parade here in town.. Getie noticed me and flagged me over.. She was excited to tell me that she attended an auction and found me 2 huge Bast Statues ...She was excited, I was excited,,,,, The statues are 17 inches tall, 12 inches in depth and very heavy.. they are Museum Reproductions and beautiful !!! I love them & they will be perfect in my new apartment on the brick floor stoop beside my huge cauldron. The photo does not near do them justice. One of them is missing an earring in the ear but I can fix that. Otherwise, they are in perfect condition. I love Getie for finding these and thinking of me !!
The past 2 weekends have been Potomac River Festival here in town. Parades, art exhibits, crafters, food vendors, music and many activities around town and lots of tourist on the Boardwalk and Town Greene. It is also the 100th year of the school here. Y and I have been yard saling on Saturday and then rushing down to the events for the past 2 weekends. Yesterday, a boat sorta small but awesome arrived here from Jamestown... Capt. John Smith used a small boat like this called the Scallop. It was awesome... just a wooden vessel with wooden benches and oars (4, I think) and a sail. The boat is on a 121 days venture along the rivers and the bay. The crew said they were 36 days so far on the seas. Also along the boardwalk... They had Weavers, Colonials, Native American Drummers and Bagpipe groups. It was very interesting.
Later that night,, My Aunt & I attended a social for the school. I saw some that I attended HS with. They had a good rock band there but My Aunt did not like the music... LOL... I did !!!!
Still watching the kids... with school out.... I have Robert & Sierra all day. They like to fight !!! They keep me busy. I am glad when Robby or Jessica fetch them in the evening. I need to meditate afterwards !!!
My Landlady is still cleaning and painting the apartment. The people left everything when they moved out... lots of junk and it seems like it was never cleaned in the year that they lived there. She is furious !! She has now decided to remove wall paper and paint the entire apartment. I am going to help her next week with removing the wall paper. I am so wanting to move in but it is going to be in July now.
Last Sunday... I attended my cousin, Jamie's Graduation and a small yard party. She received 7 scolarships and numerous honor student awards. She will be attending Virginia Tech this fall. I am so proud of her.
Hopefully this afternoon we will be shark teeth hunting... Last week, I found a very good size tooth.. the second largest that I have ever found. I have the fever now !! As we were driving away on the exit road in the Park,,, we saw the cutest sight... A moma skunk with 3 tiny babies trying to cross the road... we stopped to watch.. at first she tried to get them to follow her across but they were not willing.... she carried one in her mouth across the road and into a wheat field.. the other 2 were standing on the edge of the road. Shannon decided to block the road so no oncoming traffic could endanger them until Moma returned..... we waited & waited for her return.. We were getting nervous... Shannon was just about to wrap them in a towel and carry them across the road when Moma returned... she carried the second on in her mouth and finally the third one followed behind. We were not as worried about getting sprayed as we should have been... but more that she abandoned them & if we picked them up and they got a human scent on them that the moma would reject them.... but we could not leave until they were safe from harms way !!
The lil turtle that Shannon rescued is going so good. We have his habitat just right for him. He likes to swim and bask on his rock under the light. He eats vitamin pellets and blood worms. He is just a bit smaller than a quarter.
I have lots of wildlife in my soon to be yard. I have 3 deers, a ground hog, 2 Osprey, racoons, etc. I also have a couple of feral cats that I feed.


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