Well... it was 7 degrees here on Friday night and the electric went out all over town for about 4 hours. It was getting a bit cold in here so the fur babies and I curled up under a thick comforter in bed.. armed with 2 lil flashlights with almost dead batteries. I was glad when the electric was back !!!!
Y, Gin, Jan and I went out to eat on Friday night and it was miserable outside. We had a good dinner and good conversation. Saturday, Y and I ventured out to the Opp Shop... we always find something there .. whether we need it or not.. we determine that we can't live without it.
My grandkids spent Saturday night with me. What else can I say about that ?? They were actually well behaved but they were bored.
I finally reached a friend of mine that I have missed so much. I am so happy that we got to talk.
Okay,,, off I go to watch some TV.
It actually got to 23 today... it got as bad though as -7 over the last few days... To damn cold for my taste... I finally heard from an old friend too, who did you get in touch with? HUGS
7:35 PM
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