Friday, March 14, 2008


Just me, my Royal Highness and my 2 baby boys and I love it like that. I have to work tonight and this weekend.... I hate being away from my apartment... it is so cozy and comfortable here. Lest I still get every other weekend off. I love my job and it fits me well.. I work 10 hours one week and 22 the next... it buys Diet Coke, Smokes, Cat food, kitty Litter....I am happy with this. My EX, Son and his wife moved out of the apartment building last month. I think it was a good thing for me but not too smart a move for them as their rent more than doubled now. How they will make it.... I have no clue but that will be their problem !!! They could not afford the much cheaper rent that they had here. Not my problem !! I have my computer back and online & all is well here.

Y and I still yard sale and go to the Opp Shop on my Saturdays off. Soon Yard Sales will start earlier and I can go before I have to be at work. That is about the jest of my social life.

A friend of mine that owns a gift shop has asked me to come work for her on my days off but I think that will be too much but I offered to fill in some. I shall think upon this.

Salem is doing fairly well with his condition.. He eats well, drinks lots of water and takes his meds. He just does not put on weight. He gets around fine but does not look his best... neither do I.

Eragon attacks me and runs circles around me while biting my shoes when I try to venture out of the apartment. Soon as I put my shoes and jacket on & stand up... he starts his evil routine. I am his prisoner.

Hocus Pocus will only eat out his own bowls and in the spare bedroom..... he yells at his door to go in and out. He will only sleep in their too. He hates can food and refuses it. He refuses to eat with the other cats in the kitchen. He also goes after my diet coke cans and carries my cigarettes and lighter off in his mouth. He is a Bandit.

Salem makes me sit on the kitchen floor with him while he eats. If I walk out the room he refuses his food and I can't have that with his condition.

I spend most of my days filling my boys wishes and I wouldn't change that. I am amazed at the different habits and routine that each has developed.


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